Monday, December 1, 2008

chapter three:: screaming girls

i smiled to myself as i got into the taxi. danny and dougie were talking, and harry and tom were talking. dougie said something (apparently funny) to danny and he punched his arm. danny trippped and almost fell over as he got into the car.
"sorry," he said. he gave dougie a look, but he was still smiling.
i was too. nervous-smiling. what if they're talking about me? i nervous-giggled, then slid over so that danny could sit next to me. harry was sitting in the front. the cab looked like a normal one, and the cab driver was a black man with a red yankees shirt on. he waited for everyone to get in, and then started the car. he didn't seem at all starstruck about mcfly. harry turned around to face me.
"so, i assume you got the email, and had to bring your friends." he smiled at me like someone who actually cared. i always thought that harry was the most sincere.
"uh, yes actually. we finshed college early, and we decided to come, because we're still looking for better jobs." i had a job as a intern (paying, thankfully) for abercrombie. i was shooting for a designer, but it didn't look like it was going to happen soon. kathryn was an intern with me, so it was fun sometimes, but mostly we were working.
harry had tensed up at the word 'college.' i knew they hadn't gone yet, but hopefully they would soon, to finish their education. dougie and danny and quieted down, to join our conversation.
"so, what're you going to do after our tour?" tom, who was speaking, was sitting under dougie. aka, dougie was on his lap.
'she got a pretty face, such a lovely name, don't want my friends to see, they might take her away from me.' dougie tapped danny. danny punched dougie on the arm. my text ringer was 'met this girl' by [guess?] mcfly.
"sorry." i pulled out my phone, and the text was from vanessa. she had a blackberry. i smiled, because the text said,
hey did you get to meet dougie yet??????? :))))))
i loooooooooooove dougie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
of course, she still acted like she was twelve. dougie leaned over on danny's lap to see the text. "see? somebody DOES love me!" he jumped up and down on tom.
"OW!" tom yelped. "you're freaking heavy, doug!"
danny, harry, and i laughed. then, after a couple seconds we were at the hotel. i got out, and then danny, and then dougie, then tom. harry had got out the same time as me. we went into the lobby, and a girl was standing there. she screamed and ran over to hug tom. i stood there, embarassed that i was witnessing this strange event.
the doorman, who was standing there, got up from his post and came over to peel the girl off of tom. she screamed, "NOOO," as we all ran to the elevator.
"where are your body guards?" i asked. i seemed wierd for them not to be here.
"umm..." tom wispered. "i told them we were going to california pizza kitchen. " i laughed.
"no, seriously!" tom had a smile on his face. "why do we need them to go everywhere?"
i smiled, and the elevator doors opened and i walked to our room.
"god, your room is far from the pool," danny said. he smiled, and i wondered if he wanted to see me in a bathing suit.
"ha ha." i smiled and stuck out my tounge at him.
we got to our room and i knocked on the door. there was a few moments of silence, and then the door swung open.
"ehmagod, lol, isabelle, that's hil-" and then kathryn looked at who was at the door. "omg. i need to sit down." she turned around and walked into the room.
"why, who's-" isabelle turned around and screamed. "MCFLY!"
vanessa got up and ran to the door. "DOUGiEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room. and then she started jumping up and down. i rolled my eyes.
"hi. i van-ess-a kell-ings. i'm so ex-cit-ted to me-et y-ou." dougie looked astonished. then his head turned and he smiled at tom.
"i'm dougie."
"i know." they kind of gazed at each other, and then she said, "lemme show you the pics i drew of you."
"okay," they ran off in the direction of vanessa's backpack.
finally, harry, danny, me and tom went inside the room.
"okay," i whispered to each of them. the other two girls were sitting on one of the beds with their mouths open, staring. "isabelle, with the lighter brown hair likes you harry, and the other one, kathryn, likes you, tom. go, go." they walked over to the bed.
"wow, you friends are hot..." danny gazed at kathryn. then he looked at me. "who do YOU like?"
"as if you didn't already know." i smiled. he smiled.
and we talked.


BLACKBiRD♥♥ said...

awwwwh! i`m hot!!! ♥ ;)

iss said...

Cool! That part was funny when naz is like " le me show you the pics i drew of you!"